Kurdish stories

We have pleasure to introduce the new book: Opowieści Kurdyjskie Meli Mahmuda Bajazidiego i Augusta Kościeszy-Żaby (Kurdish stories of Mela Mahmud Bayazidi and August Kościesza-Żaba), Księgarnia Akademicka, Orientalia Polonica, Kraków 2018. The book is the first Polish edition of the work Recueil de notices et récits kourdes servant à la connaissance de la langue, de la littérature et des tribus du Kourdistan, réunis et traduits en français par M. Alexandre Jaba consul de Russie à Erzeroum (A collection of remarks and Kurdish stories thanks to which one may acquaint oneself with the language, literature and the tribes of Kurdistan, collected and translated into French by Alexandre Jaba, a consul of Russia in Erzurum) published first in 1860 by Sankt Petersbourg Academy of Scienece.